The Prophets in Islam. Learn Islam for converts and beginners for free. Information about the Muslim religion. Sunni Muslim website.

The Miracles of the Prophets

There is not a single prophet without a miracle showing the truth of his call. A miracle is an extraordinary thing that happens to someone who claims to be a prophet, in accordance with his claim to prophecy, and nothing like that can be opposed.

Brief Biography of Prophet Muḥammad

The Prophet Muhammad Peace and blessings be upon him is the last of the Prophets Messengers sent by God to renew the call to Islam. He was born in Mecca, He comes from the most noble Arab tribe, the tribe of Quraysh. The Prophet Muhammad is the son of ^Abdou l-Lah son of ^Abdou l-Mouttalib. He is the best being created.

The Story of Prophet Musa Moses and the two Women

This story teaches us of the good character and conduct of the prophet Musa regarding how one should feel for others, approaching people who have been subjected to trials and distress, and providing services and assistance for the good of Allah.

The History of the Prophet Jesus (`ISA) Muslim

Mary (Maryam) is the mother of the Prophet Jesus. God created the Prophet Jesus without father. The Prophet was sent to people to call them to the religion of Islam, the religion of all the Prophets. Jesus lived 33 years on earth after which he was raised to heaven. He did not die and was not crucified.

All Prophets are Muslims

It is obligatory to believe in all the Prophets of God from Adam, the first, to Muhammad, the last. The religion of all the Prophets is Islam, the only religion revealed and approved by God. There was a large number of Prophets. They were all Muslims. They all called people to follow the religion of Islam by saying to them: "Love only Allah the One and associate him nothing."

Adam the First Prophet and first Man

Adam is the first man and Prophet Messenger created by God. He was created from earth mixed with water, so he has no father or mother. He is the father of humanity. Allah has granted him a woman named Hawwa'(Eve). Both of them lived long in Paradise following the Laws of Islam and Allah brought them down to earth where they had many children.

There is no Faith without Islam nor Islam without Faith

There is no faith without Islam or Islam without faith they are like the flat and the reverse of the same thing. The Muslim is the believer and the believer is the Muslim.

Preservation and Characteristics of Prophets and Messengers

God created the Prophets and made them the best created beings. He sent them to teach people what was useful to them in this life and the afterlife. Thus, Allah has endowed them with laudable characteristics and good behavior. All that is not worthy of the rank of prophecy is impossible about them.

Prophet Muhammad's praised Manners

He is Muḥammad, whom Allâh has given manners that were all what the Qur'ân ordered to do, he is Muḥammad who accepts what the Honourable Qur’an calls to accept, he followed the manners and conducts that the Qur’an called for and abided by its orders. He never revenged on his own behalf unless the boundaries of the Religion were violated. He is Muḥammad whom ar-RaHmân has sent as a mercy to this nation. He is Muḥammad, the most courageous and brave man when confronting the enemy.

Prophets and Messengers of God

It's not right that God would reveal on his Messengers or Prophets different Religions that contradict each other in essentials. A messenger is a prophet who comes with abrogating some of the laws brought by the previous messenger or receives a new set of laws. But the religion is one, believing in the oneness of Allâh.

How Does One Become a Muslim ? Convert to Islam

One becomes a Muslim by believing in the Two Testifications of Faith and uttering them with the intention of leaving out blasphemy. The Two Testifications of Faith are: I testify that no one is God except God and I testify that Muḥammad is the prophet of God. If someone does not know how to say Muḥammad he can call the prophet by Abu l-Gaacim: no one is God except God and Abu l-Gaacim is the prophet of God.