parents. Learn Islam for converts and beginners for free. Information about the Muslim religion. Sunni Muslim website.

The Sin of Hurting the Parents

Hurting one’s parents immensely (`uquq) is among the major sins. Allâh threatened the one who does it with severe torture in Hellfire. This means to harm either or both parents immensely (causing them a lot of pain). Hurting one’s parents is unlawful whether it is severe or light.

The Types of Blasphemy and Blasphemers (Kufr)

Blasphemy is the opposite of belief, just as darkness is the opposite of light. It is of three types: likening God to the creation (tashbih), contradicting (takdhib), and denying (ta^til). Blasphemers are of two types: one is the original blasphemer, the other one is the apostate (murtadd).

Torture and Felicity of the Grave. Question of two Angels Munkar & Nakir

al-Hafidh as-suyûTiyy said: « The news of the torture of the grave is narrated by at-tawatur from the Prophet, Salla l-Lâhu `alayhi wa sallam ». This means that a large number of companions narrated the Hadiths of the Prophet concerning the torture of the grave. `Abdu l-Qâhir Abu ManSûr at-tamimiyy said in his book al-Farqu Baynal-Firaq: « Sunnis are unanimous that the one who denies the torture of the grave will be tortured in his grave », that is, because of their disbelief.

Importance of Learning Islam by Oral Transmission from Trustworthy People

Learning religion is obligatory for every Muslim. The science of religion is a gateway to success in this world and in the Hereafter, leading you to eternal happiness that has no end. The knowledge of Tawhid implies to know Allah and his messenger, and this is the best of all knowledge of Islam.

The Bridge, Basin, and Intercession

Among what the Prophet conveyed and is obligatory to believe in are: the Bridge, which all the people will cross. And the Basin: it is a place that Allâh prepared for the people of Paradise, from which they will drink before entering Paradise. And the Intercession: means asking someone to grant good to another.

Torture and Felicity of the Grave. Question of two Angels Munkar & Nakir

Al-Hafidh as-suyûTiyy said: « The news of the torture of the grave is narrated by at-tawatur from the Prophet, Salla l-Lâhu `alayhi wa sallam ». This means that a large number of companions narrated the Hadiths of the Prophet concerning the torture of the grave. `Abdu l-Qâhir Abu ManSûr at-tamimiyy said in his book al-Farqu Baynal-Firaq: « Sunnis are unanimous that the one who denies the torture of the grave will be tortured in his grave », that is, because of their disbelief.

Importance of acquiring Islamic Knowledge by Oral Transmission

The high status of knowledge has been clearly established in Islam through explicit texts in the Qur'an and the Hadith as well as in the writings of the scholars of Islam. Allâh said in Surat Al-Mujadalah, Ayah 11 which means: « Allâh raises the ranks of those among you who believe and those who were granted the knowledge. » Also, Allâh said in Surat Az-Zumar, Ayah 9 which means: « Those who know are not the same as those who do not know. » In the hadith related by Al-Bayhaqiyy, the Messenger of Allâh Muḥammad Sallâ lLâhou `alayhi wa sallam said which means: « Seeking the knowledge of the Religion is obligatory on every Muslim. »

Divorce Rules in Islam

Knowing the rules of divorce is important for both spouses. Although only the husband can initiate divorce, the wife must be aware of its implications so that she can conduct her affairs in accordance with the religion should the divorce take place.

Eid Prayer and Recommended acts on the day of Eid `Id 2024 1445

Eid prayer can be performed in congregation, or individually any time between sunrise and noon. The best time of the Eid prayer is after the sun has reached the height of a spear (approximately 20 minutes from sunrise).

Laws and Rules of inheritance in Islam

It is invalid to divide the inheritance of a deceased person or to sell the inheritance until the debts and the zakât which was obligatory on him have been fulfilled. Something may be sold to pay off a debt or fulfill the will. The expenses of performing Hajj and `Umrah on behalf of the deceased must be taken out if the Hajj and `Umrah were obligatory on him and he did not perform them. The inheritance is like a collateral held for that purpose.

Learning Islamic Knowledge The Gateway To Success

Knowledge is the gateway to success, as known by many. However, some people understand this statement differently. The Islamic definition and concept of knowledge, and how it is a gateway to success in this world and in the Hereafter, is an ambiguous matter to many people. Allâh said in Surat Az-Zumar, Ayah 9 which means: « Those who know are not the same as those who do not know. »